James Corden on “Feeling compelled to come home” to UK and the future of Gavin and Stacey

Gemma Thomas
Gemma Thomas
4 Min Read

Corden’s Return to the UK: A Reflection

After an illustrious eight-year stint in the US, James Corden candidly expressed his profound need to return to the UK. He admits that there were certainly challenges to leaving behind the acclaimed chat show that brought him global fame. In his first interview since his homecoming, Corden dives into various aspects of his life. These include a riveting phone call with Tom Cruise to speculation about the future of ‘Gavin & Stacey‘.

James Corden with Kim Kardashian
James Corden hosted ‘The Late Late Show,’ in America for 8 years where he interviewed big name celebrities including Kim Kardashian.

Rediscovering British Roots

Having catapulted from a relatively lesser-known British face in the US to a household name interviewing icons like Paul McCartney, Justin Bieber, Michelle Obama, and Prince Harry, Corden looked back with nostalgia at the Royal Television Society event. Proudly reflecting on his time presenting ‘The Late Late Show’, he exclaimed, “What a thing to have done.” However, the allure of the UK remained irresistible. He mused, “Sometimes you want to shake people and say, ‘I wish you could see this island from a distance.’ The architecture, the creativity, and the sheer output for its size are staggering.” Expressing his love for the UK, he added, “I just felt compelled to come home and explore the possibility of doing something new, even if nothing materialises.”

Carpool Karaoke with Sir Elton John.

Corden’s Digital Vision

Interestingly, despite his initial trepidation about hosting ‘The Late Late Show’, Corden’s vision was clear. He wanted to create a show that resonated with the digital age. This foresight led to viral segments like ‘Carpool Karaoke’ and ‘Spill Your Guts’, which featured global stars from Kim Kardashian to Sir Elton John.

A Daredevil Experience with Cruise

The session, hosted by Boyd Hilton, the entertainment director of Heat magazine, delved into Corden’s adventurous escapade with Tom Cruise. On flying with Cruise, who’s renowned for his stunts, Corden humorously conveyed his apprehensions: “It’s just the two of us in an aeroplane, if something happens… then we die. Worse than my own death, is my children being told, ‘Their dad killed Tom Cruise.'” Cruise’s reassuring call to Corden was particularly memorable, “James. Your life is more valuable than mine,” adding that he’d never fly without ample preparation.

The 2019 special left fans on tenterhooks as Nessa proposed to Smithy. To this, James Corden admitted, “I genuinely don’t know if we’ll ever do another one.”

The Gavin & Stacey Enigma

Wrapping up, the conversation inevitably touched upon the burning question: Will ‘Gavin & Stacey’ make a return? The 2019 special left fans on tenterhooks as Nessa proposed to Smithy. To this, Corden admitted, “I genuinely don’t know if we’ll ever do another one.” He further elaborated, “Their lives carry on and we just sort of get together and open this portal to find out. Some say, ‘I want to know what happens’. And I reply, so do I! Perhaps there’s perfection in its current ending.”

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