Lee Mack faces backlash but defends his ‘risky’ NTAs quip
In a bold move, Lee Mack took the bull by the horns and addressed his TV critics who felt ‘offended’ by his recent jests. Lee stands his ground after facing a chorus of calls for his cancellation due to a cheeky on-stage quip about Jill Scott during the National Television Awards.
The celebrated Lioness and ‘I’m A Celebrity’ winner, Jill Scott, handed the 55-year-old well-known comedian his award. Seizing the moment, Lee remarked, “To receive a sex toy like this off Jill Scott is an absolute pleasure.” An utterance that set the cat among the pigeons for many of his at-home audience.

Opening up to The Sun following his accolade for ‘Best Quiz Game Show’ for ‘The 1% Club’, Lee candidly commented, “My job as a stand-up comedian is to take the mickey out of the contestants. I always strive to steer clear of being too cheesy. My aim? Simply to have a jolly good laugh.”
Drawing a parallel to his earlier days, he added, “Performing is much like a gig, particularly when it’s for a crowd of 100. That’s what most of my Edinburgh Fringe shows felt like back in the day. There’s an intimate feel to it, and the real beauty is that the live audience can take it. They’re always up for the banter.”

However, following his risqué jest at the prestigious awards, laughter from the attendees filled the room. On the flip side, some armchair critics back at home didn’t find it quite as amusing.
Scouring the realm of the internet, it didn’t take long before the naysayers voiced their disapproval. One disgruntled viewer lamented, “Well Lee Mack is gonna get cancelled now.” Another joined the fray, noting, “Not sure @LeeMack did himself any favours there. Still a big fan of 1% club.” Yet another opined, “Watching Lee Mack trying to be funny is just painful.”
The stalwart comedian remains undeterred through thick and thin, and so he should do.
Well done Lee. To many woke brigade are trying to kill off stand-up comedians. If you don’t like then don’t watch.
Spot on!
That’s hilarious!
One of the brightest stars on the UK comedy scene. Don’t let the Karen’s shut you down.
Do you know what woke means? ? you’re so funny.
Woke woke woke woke….a load of absolute wokers!
Let’s ask Jill if she was offended by the quip, if she’s not and found it funny, sod the rest who found it offensive, if she was, then she’ll need to contact lee for an apology.
Let’s find out if she was offended. If she was, let’s continue not to care.
Good for Lee Mack. Comedy has almost left the world. Just a few stalwarts left, then we will be left with a humourless world to live in, just so the pathetic few are catered for.
Speechless! Don’t let the buggers get you down Lee ?. Keep it up , Billy doesn’t modify his observations.
Seriously???!!! People need to get a life and stop complaining about every little thing. There are far more serious issues in the world for those that have to moan to get on their high horse about
Too true.
I totally agree with you .
Well done lee . Jill is a good sport . Has anyone asked her . They are fellow soccer aid players so I’m sure she is used to lee
Lee Mack is a brilliant comedian leave the guy alone
Can’t fart without someone being upset what a sad world this is now
Too many snowflakes now.the worlds gone mad
I have a feeling Jill would have a good laugh at it..
Utter Rubbish….. he’s a Comedian for goodness sake and the lady didn’t look upset annoyed or anything else.
Why do we have to put up with the crap that is printed…..
The woke cunrs want fuxking.
pain, big pain, in the ass didn’t let anyone else get a word in – just not funny sex toy references or not , rude with an ego that far outseeds his status .
Maybe those people who weren’t issued with a funny bone and a sense of humour should take it up with their maker. And stop taking it out on those people who are trying ( and succeeding) in making the vast majority of us laugh.!!???
People get your highly offended heads out of feces infected anal openings and grow up. We live in an age of technology and all we do is bicker and troll celebrities. If you’re upset over every little thing. You need to switch off your internet on your iPads, or iPhones, or your mobiles, tablets and laptops. And this is really important get a life.
If the complainer found this offensive they need to go back in there box close the lid and never expose themselves to life again . Bless their cotton socks..
To many people get too easily offended, he’s a comedian giving a quick joke, people need to see the difference hateful comments and lighthearted humour. There is so much unnecessary killing of innocent people and destruction going on in the world, there’s even a war on, complain about those things that actually matter!!
Some people need to get a life the mans a genius of comedy and has the bollocks to say it how it is without pampering to the self indulged woke fun killing pricks of the world what are we coming to this seems like Cromwells Puriton movement is coming back what next tall black hats black clothes frilly collared shirts and no entertainment and Christmas is banned we’ve gon back 400 years ?
Well done Lee Mack! Too much wokism is killing this country typical of the 5% ers looking to govern everyone else!
Well done lee, to all those who want to ban comedy, get a life and stop complaining. There are so many awful things happening in the world we all need a bit of comedy in our lives
I seem to remember Julian Clary mentioning fisting a certain person but he wasn’t banned
Well done Lee ignore the woke brigade.
Lee is one of the funniest people on tv. At the heart of his comedy is the quick one-liner. I’m sure that Jill Scott appreciated the joke. Some people just need to get over themselves.
Good on you Lee , you’re a comedian FFS!! Unfortunately’ they’ walk among us
He’s a true comedian good to see him stand up for his comedy against the mentally deranged people in our society . ?
Well done Lee. We MUST make sure that WOKE doesn’t suck the life out of us. There is a huge difference between banter and being offensive. And I am afraid that banter is unfortunately rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Ordinary people are now too frightened to have a laugh as it may offend.
This culture is pathetic. The armchair brigade at it again..Get a life, smile a bit. Instead of demeaning everything.
This world is full of individuals, so strop trying to cancel what the minority hate and the majority like. If you don’t like something, get over it. What was it? Two seconds of your life. There’s far worse going on it the world..
Well said Lee. It was funny and people really need to get a life.
The lunatics are running the asylum, the snowflakes need to get a live, and get out more, he’s a comedian for goodness sake. Give it a rest.
Get a grip. Comedy will be dead soon cancelled by them/they
A bunch of snowflakes. They get offended by everything. They need to stay locked in a room so not to be offended. Probably be offended about the colour of the paint on the room walls . ?
You used to be able to have a laugh !
But now the PC people want us to be as miserable as They seem to be ??
I love Lee Mack one of the best straight faced comics around taking the proverbial p**s out of life events. His banter on anything I’ve seen him on is really hood and soooo funny. Well done for standing up to the ‘few’ pathetic , humourless individuals.
Keep being you ?
One of the most quick witted comedians there are , or have ever been. And the moral of the story is “Don’t watch comedians if you don’t have sense of humour”
I am sick of these lefty woke idiots who don’t seem to have an ounce of Common sense….Lee Mack is one of our best..he is so funny.
All you woke people look at some old tube videos of the great Don Rickles…that’s how comedy should be!
I love Lee’s sense of humour , Keep going just as you are we are not offended
Ridiculous, the world has gone bonkers. Harmless fun.