Ant McPartlin’s ex-wife Lisa Armstrong suffers further relationship heartbreak

Richard Bevan
Richard Bevan
3 Min Read

Lisa Armstrong, renowned makeup artist for ‘Strictly Come Dancing’, has reportedly ended her relationship with James Green, her partner of three years. This news follows her tumultuous split from TV personality Ant McPartlin, a chapter she had hoped to put firmly behind her when she found solace in the company of James, a Sky electrician.

Their romance, which once seemed to flourish, especially with Lisa’s heartfelt tribute to James on his recent 40th birthday, took a sudden turn. In an unforeseen twist, the relationship appears to have abruptly ended before the new BBC dance show series commences. Insiders reveal that James has already begun moving his belongings out of Lisa’s £4.5 million mansion.

The once vibrant display of their affection on Lisa’s Instagram, often showcasing their luxurious holidays and intimate moments, has now been replaced by pictures of her beloved Labrador, Hurley.

The couple’s journey began in 2020, amidst James’ separation from his wife, Kirsty. Over time, their bond seemed to strengthen, marked by numerous travels and their moving into Lisa’s spacious Thames-side mansion. A source close to them expressed their surprise to the Daily Mail, recounting a recent lavish Caribbean holiday and the sudden split, which puzzled many in their circle.

Lisa has parted ways with James Green

The last memory of James on Lisa’s social media dates back five weeks ago – a post showing a bouquet he had gifted her, accompanied by a touching message for her then-beau.

Rewinding further back, Lisa had previously faced heartbreak with her split from Ant McPartlin, her husband of 11 years. The couple, who had been a significant part of the entertainment industry for over two decades, met during a Smash Hits tour in the 90s. Their break-up took many by surprise, given their long-standing history.

After their split, Lisa’s emotions were evident through her activity on Twitter, where she resonated with sentiments expressed by her supporters. The couple officially divorced in 2018. Ant McPartlin, moving on from this chapter, began dating Anne Marie Corbett, previously his personal assistant. Their relationship moved swiftly, with the duo tying the knot in August 2021. Ant has publicly credited Anne Marie for her unwavering support, especially during challenging times, including his battle with addiction.

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