Carol Vorderman, renowned for hosting the Pride of Britain Awards, consistently presents herself with grace and elegance on the red carpet. Notably, she has been in the spotlight for over four decades. Her beauty regimen plays a significant role in her appearance, combined with her dedication to maintaining her physique.
This year, just like every other, she dazzled the red carpet, turning heads in a striking royal blue maxi dress that highlighted her iconic hourglass figure.
Carol openly acknowledges that she uses certain cosmetic treatments to help maintain her appearance. In an interview with The Times, she shared that these treatments are a result of her prominent media presence. “It would be less important if I weren’t on the telly, but it’s part of the job. I have Botox and a lot of treatments to my face and neck. Everyone does,” she said.
While she uses treatments such as Botox and plasma showers, she clarifies that she has not undergone surgical procedures. Carol emphasises the importance of these treatments in her line of work, noting that they help maintain her public image.
Beyond external treatments, Carol focuses on her overall health and well-being. She relies on vitamins A and D, fish oils, and cider vinegar, among other supplements. She also has adopted a healthy diet, reducing sugar and carbohydrates intake. Additionally, she mentions the effects of menopause on alcohol tolerance.
She said to the Daily Mail, “And I eat well. I cut down on sugar and cut down on carbs long before it became fashionable, and most of the week I drink very little alcohol. Your tolerance goes down after the menopause. Two glasses of wine and I feel it the next day. But I do love to party!”
Carol’s commitment to fitness is evident in her daily routine. She aims for 15,000 steps daily and undertakes a significant 50-mile hike weekly. Her regular visits to the gym and participation in open-air circuit training play a role in maintaining her physique. In a conversation with Lorraine, she shared insights into her fitness routine and how she monitors her weight.
A topic of public interest is Carol’s physique, particularly her well-toned derrière. In response to speculations, she said, “I promise I haven’t had bottom implants. It’s the same old bottom. In my family, loads of us have it: the Vorderman a**e… And I’ve been working out for decades, so the shape of mine is down to years of keeping fit.” She highlights her dedication by noting her annual 20,000 squats, specifically mentioning ‘goblet squats’.
On Lorraine last year, she said, “I’m probably about a size 8 to 9 at the moment. I’ve always had a small waist, I think I’m about 25 inches around my waist. If I put on a bit of weight, I know I have, and I go up to a size 11. A larger size 10, that’s kind of my boundary for where I’m happy.”
Carol also touched upon her decision to start hormone replacement therapy a few years ago, indicating its effect on her body, especially her bust size. She believes hormonal changes over the years, including menopause, have influenced her physique. “I think your bust does grow with hormonal changes. And we all know you put on weight when your bust grows. You have babies; it grows. Then you go through the menopause – I had my last period about a year ago – and it grows a bit more,” she added.
In summary, Carol Vorderman’s youthful appearance is a combination of her beauty treatments, dedication to fitness, and overall health regimen. It’s evident that her commitment to well-being is paramount in her life.