Beloved chef, Gordon Ramsay, openly recalled the tragic loss of his son, Rocky, due to Tana’s second-trimester miscarriage. Recalling the painful event from June 2016, Gordon described it as “a trauma” that was “really tough” or the family.
The Ramsays, already proud as punch with four cherubs – Meghan, Holly, Jack, and Tilly, faced this unthinkable tragedy. After their devastating loss, the family found hope, welcoming Oscar James Ramsay in 2019.
“Losing Rocky was really tough, and then just being there and watching the trauma unfold, it’s just this life-changing moment,” Gordon explained with People magazine.
Despite earlier celebrations that “everything was going fine”, Tana “always struggled with her bloods.” It was during the second-trimester tragedy that deeply impacted them.
“And all of a sudden it just changes within 24 hours,” he said. “So, I think if anything it bought the whole family together, closer, Jack’s still got the little dog tag with Rocky.”
In a heartfelt tribute, Tana marked what would’ve been Rocky’s fifth birthday on Instagram in October 2021.
“If all had gone as we hoped yesterday 14/10/21 would have been our little boy Rocky’s 5th birthday, the day he was due not the day he was actually born when he was too little to survive,” she wrote.
“Not a day goes by when we don’t think of him, but, it wasn’t meant to be. We have gone on to be blessed and will be eternally grateful, but shall always remember our angel baby with a heart bursting with love and many many tears.”
In a 2021 chat with the Daily Mail, Gordon hinted at him and Tana expanding their family. Joking about being the “oldest dad at school”, he emphasized the happiness young Oscar brought them.
Residing in an £8 million South London home, Gordon Ramsay is forthright about his strict parenting. He expects his children to avoid swearing and to be independent, not relying on his wealth.