Jedward and Gemma Collins blast Louis Walsh with foul-mouthed response after he called them “Vile”

Richard Bevan
Richard Bevan
3 Min Read

JEDWARD and Gemma Collins have joined forces to fire back at Louis Walsh, following his scathing remarks branding them as “vile”. The drama unfolded during a recent episode of Celebrity Big Brother, where Walsh, a former X Factor judge, didn’t mince his words when discussing the Irish pop duo.

Louis Walsh, 71, didn’t hold back when asked about his experience with Jedward. In the heat of the moment, he described them as “vile”. He further stated, “I done [sic] five million quid with them, I swear on my mother’s life“. Walsh further added: “They were vile, they were novelty, they were great for the show.”

Unsurprisingly, Jedward wasted no time in hitting back at Walsh’s comments. In a fiery Twitter tirade, they blasted him as “a cold-hearted b*****d” who showed no compassion, even during their times of grief. They accused Walsh of betraying their trust by badmouthing them behind their backs and emphasised that “Justice will be served.”

Louis Walsh made the remarks on the new series of Celebrity Big Brother.

But it wasn’t just Jedward who took issue with Walsh’s words. Gemma Collins, famed for her appearances on reality television, also stepped into the fray. She expressed shock and disappointment at Walsh’s characterisation of the twins, describing them as “sweet, talented, polite, educated, and kind boys”.

Gemma Collins leapt to the defence of her friends in Jedward.

In a series of videos shared on social media, Collins, affectionately known as The GC, showcased her support for Jedward. During a cosy roast dinner at her house, the trio let loose, with Jedward criticising Walsh’s motivations, claiming he’s solely driven by money. Collins reiterated their sentiment, defending her friends’ character. She said, “Louis, don’t be slagging off my boys. They’re not vile; they’re beautiful in every single way.”

Later, while lounging in her hot tub, Collins and Jedward reflected on the evening’s events, emphasising the need to stand up against unjust criticisms. Collins reiterated her admiration for the twins, emphasizing their positive qualities.

Jedward’s rise to fame began in 2009 when they appeared on The X Factor, mentored by Louis Walsh himself. Despite not winning the competition, their quirky persona and undeniable talent garnered a dedicated fan base. Since then, they’ve released several albums, represented Ireland at the Eurovision Song Contest, and ventured into television presenting.

Jedward rose to fame after appearing on The X Factor in 2009.

As time goes on, Jedward remains unapologetically themselves, standing up against injustice and championing authenticity.

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