Renowned British comedian Jimmy Carr is under fire once again, as a deaf woman, Carly Ahlen from Dartford, Kent, alleges that she left his recent show feeling “absolutely insulted” after he targeted her with offensive jokes about the deaf community.
During a work-in-progress show at the Orchard West Theatre, Jimmy Carr, known for his controversial quips and audience “roasting,” allegedly made “vile” jokes about deaf individuals. Ahlen, a 44-year-old wildlife rescue specialist who lost her hearing during her time in the army, expressed disappointment that Jimmy Carr used his platform to “put down those who have a tough life.”
The incident unfolded when Carr noticed Ahlen in the front row wearing a beret and asked her about it. In response, Ahlen lifted her beret, showing her hearing aid. Instead of moving on, Jimmy Carr continued to target her throughout the show, even referencing her phone and beret, suggesting she might “call for backup from the French Resistance.”
Deaf audience member recalls the vile jokes told by Jimmy Carr
Ahlen, using a transcribing app to follow the show, was shocked when Carr declared, “you can say anything about deaf people because they can’t hear you.” She described the experience as beyond the boundaries of comedy, expressing her dismay at Jimmy Carr’s decision to use his platform for what she considers an insult to the deaf community.
She told Kent Online, “Comedy is an amazing tool for progressive change, yet Jimmy decided to use his platform to put down those who have a tough life,” Ahlen remarked. “There’s a joke, and then there’s absolutely insulting. It’s vile to the deaf community. It’s just not acceptable. He doesn’t need to do that – he’s rich enough.”
Hi Kent, a charity supporting people with hearing loss, expressed regret over Ahlen’s experience, emphasising their commitment to promoting inclusion and understanding for those with invisible disabilities.
While Ahlen did not file a complaint with the West Orchard Theatre about Jimmy Carr, she has written to the British Deaf Association to raise her concerns about the incident.
This is not Jimmy Carr’s first time amid controversy due to his comedic style. In 2022, he faced criticism for making comments about the Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller community during a Netflix special, with the then-culture secretary Nadine Dorries condemning the joke as “abhorrent.”
A comedian who is no stranger to controversy
Jimmy Carr has a history of pushing boundaries, evident in his 2018 show where he joked about the challenges of deafness, stating, “Deafness is getting to be quite a problem for me… and I never thought I’d hear myself say that.”
The comedian’s YouTube videos, including compilations like’ 10 Times Jimmy Carr Absolutely and Brutally Destroyed His Audience,’ have garnered millions of views. However, he has also been accused of overstepping the mark and facing backlash for jokes that some find offensive.
As Carr prepares for his upcoming tour titled Laughs Funny, starting in May, this latest incident adds to a list of controversies that have surrounded the comedian’s career. The Orchard Theatre declined to comment on the matter, and Jimmy Carr’s management team is yet to respond to inquiries.