Johnny Vegas, the renowned British comedian known for his roles in shows like Ideal, Benidorm, and Still Open All Hours, recently faced a major setback during the filming of his fly-on-the-wall series, Carry On Glamping. The 53-year-old entertainer had to hit pause on the production due to a severe struggle with his mental health.
In an event that will be revisited when the show returns on January 24, Johnny shared, “I don’t want to be dramatic, but I don’t know if I would be here discussing it now. I honestly thought I was dying. It was horrible.”
Johnny Vegas, whose real name is Michael Pennington, is no stranger to the limelight. With a successful career in TV, he has been a frequent guest on popular panel shows like QI and 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. However, his recent struggle took centre stage while filming Carry On Glamping.
Johnny Vegas Struggled With The Pace Of The Show
The show follows Johnny Vegas and his assistant Bev at his Field Of Dreams site in Derbyshire, where they attempt to expand their glamping business. As the cameras rolled, Johnny found himself overwhelmed with the responsibilities and the relentless pace of the glamping site. He admitted, “I felt my body was shutting down. A lot of things were building up, and with the (glamping) site, there was so much to get done.”
Johnny’s breaking point led him to consult with doctors, who advised an immediate hiatus. Reflecting on his mental state, he expressed, “I can’t see the wood from the trees, everybody wants something from me, and I’ve got nothing left to give. I am running on empty. I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t put the brakes on.”
This unexpected pause in filming was a result of Johnny Vegas’ ADHD, a condition he was diagnosed with in December 2022. His struggle with ADHD during the filming became apparent, causing him to take a step back. Johnny remarked, “I had to take time out, and the project went on hold. Something had to give, and it was me.”
Despite the challenges, Johnny hopes that sharing his story on TV will help others facing similar issues. He admitted feeling nervous about the upcoming series. Vegas stated, “It was really hard having to down tools and admit I wasn’t coping, especially on camera. But hopefully, people will see it’s all right not to be all right.”
New Series To Show A More Real Version Of Pennington
Now, as the series returns, viewers can expect a more personal and introspective side of Johnny Vegas. The show promises to showcase the man behind the comedic persona, delving into Michael Pennington’s struggles and triumphs.
As Johnny shared, “After a rough time of it, I’m starting to feel very lucky for what I’ve got and for the people I’ve got around me. I’m happy.” His journey through adversity, combined with the humour that fans love him for, makes for compelling television.