Julie Goodyear’s husband gives heartbreaking health update on Corrie legend

Richard Bevan
Richard Bevan
6 Min Read

The devastating impact of dementia on beloved Coronation Street icon Julie Goodyear has been laid bare by her heartbroken husband, Scott Brand. In an emotional interview with The Mirror, Brand revealed the painful reality of watching his wife, famed for her role as Bet Lynch, slowly succumb to Dementia.

Julie’s journey on the cobbles began in 1966 when she captured audiences with her portrayal of the feisty Rovers Return landlady. Over the years, her character became a cornerstone of the show, winning viewers’ hearts nationwide. However, her glittering career has been overshadowed by her recent battle with dementia.

Brand expressed his anguish at witnessing Julie Goodyear’s vibrant personality fade away, leaving behind a shadow of the woman she once was. He lamented the loss of her trademark leopard print outfits and colourful lipsticks, symbols of her glamorous persona. “I miss the fun-loving wife that Julie had always been – the larger-than-life personality that brightened up everywhere she went,” he confessed.

Husband Scott reveals the harsh reality of Julie Goodyear’s Dementia battle

The harsh realities of dementia have replaced the couple’s once vibrant life together. Brand reminisced about the romantic meals, holidays, and leisurely strolls they once enjoyed, now distant memories in the face of Julie’s declining health. “Not being able to spontaneously go out as husband and wife… all these losses for me symbolise the Long Goodbye,” he revealed.

Julie Goodyear played the role of Bet Lynch for years after first joining Coronation Street in 1966.

As Julie Goodyear’s condition worsened, Brand found himself thrust into the role of her full-time carer, a responsibility that took a toll on his own well-being. He described the initial struggle to accept help, believing he could manage on his own. However, he soon realised the enormity of the task at hand and the toll it was taking on his health. “Caring for Julie is my priority, but my health was being affected,” he admitted.

The couple’s life has been changed by the relentless progression of dementia, with even the simplest tasks becoming monumental challenges. Brand recounted the difficulty of managing household affairs and finances, responsibilities that were once Julie’s domain.

“For me, the hardest part was accepting and coming to terms with the diagnosis. At the beginning I refused to accept any support, thinking I could cope as we have always been quite private people. This, in reality, didn’t last for long and I soon realised I needed to ask for help as I couldn’t do it by myself. I wasn’t coping and needed to seek support. Caring for Julie is my priority, but my health was being affected and as a lone carer I felt it was ‘killing me.”

“I would advise to accept help straight away.”

“Julie had always dealt with the finances but now she cannot even recognise the value of money. I was suddenly thrown into having to sort out all the household affairs, something Julie had always managed with ease and perfection. It was like being thrown into a new world of having to do everything by myself. I would advise anyone going through this journey to accept help straight away.”

Despite the hardships they face, Brand praised the support they have received from the Alzheimer’s Society, describing it as a lifeline in their time of need. He expressed gratitude for the guidance of their Dementia Advisor, Julie Mann, who has provided invaluable assistance in navigating the complexities of the disease.

Since receiving Julie’s diagnosis, the support we have had from our Dementia Adviser Julie Mann has been amazing – I couldn’t have managed without it. She has helped me to understand what dementia is and supported us in applying for financial entitlements. She has encouraged me to get our affairs in order and put plans in place for the future.

Julie’s husband, Scott, can’t thank the help of The Alzheimer’s Society enough.

Julie has listened when I didn’t know what to do and has guided me on getting the right care package in place that suits both of our needs. Without this support I really don’t know how I would have coped – it was a lifeline when we both needed one and continues to be so. She has helped to take such a burden off our shoulders.”

The Long Goodbye campaign, spearheaded by the Alzheimer’s Society, aims to shed light on the devastating impact of dementia on individuals and their families. Through powerful testimonials like Brand’s, the campaign seeks to raise awareness and support for those affected by the disease.

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