The recent news of Gold set to air a documentary in September celebrating the 25th anniversary of one of Britain’s comedy gems, “The Royle Family”, is causing a lot of excitement. A significant part of its success was primarily due to its realistic portrayal of a working-class family in England.
Here are 5 reasons this telly masterpiece is as relatable as it is humorous to us Brits.
1. The Simplicity of Life
Shying away from the farcical or slapstick, “The Royle Family” delved into the everyday happenings of an archetypal British family. Our beloved Royles showed us how life is lived – on a tatty old sofa, with a remote control in one hand and a brew in the other. The beauty was in its raw, ordinary simplicity – something every British household could relate to.
2. An Abundance of ‘Banal Banter’
Caroline Aherne and Craig Cash, the masterminds behind the show, had an uncanny ability to elevate mundane conversations into comic gold. From bickering about who ate the last biscuit to family debates on the merit of ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’, the Royles reminded us that sometimes, the best chats are the trivial ones. This banter resonated with viewers, mimicking the everyday chatter around their own kitchen tables.

3. Truly Believable Characters
The beauty of “The Royle Family” lay not only in its writing but also its sublime casting. Each character, be it gobby Denise, slow-on-the-uptake Dave, or loveable slob Jim, was someone you knew or could swear you did. They were your neighbours, your family, your mates down at the pub. The characters were as British as a pint of lager and a packet of crisps – perfectly flawed and relatable.
4. Perfectly-timed Humour
While the Royle household may have seemed ordinary, their delivery of comedy was anything but. The show was brimming with deadpan humour, rooted in the observational. Conversations seamlessly drifted from light-hearted banter to gut-punch one-liners. This British sensibility – a unique blend of dry wit, sarcasm, and self-deprecation – found a home in millions of hearts.
5. A Mirror to the British Family Dynamic
Lastly, “The Royle Family” was, and still is, cherished because it reflected us – in all our wonderful, messy glory. It showcased the love and friction, the petty arguments and deep-seated loyalty that underpin so many families. They laughed, cried, and argued about bills – sound familiar?
So, here’s to “The Royle Family”, the telly treasure that’s as comforting as a chip butty and as quintessentially British as a rainy bank holiday. Twenty-five years on, and still no other comedy can capture the essence of British life like our beloved Royles.
Now, put the kettle on and pass the biccies – it’s time for a rerun.