In the world of British comedy, there are few shows as iconic as “The Young Ones”. Bursting onto our screens in the early ’80s, this offbeat masterpiece left its mark on a generation with its bizarre and anarchic humour. Fast forward 41 years, and the stars of this cult classic, Adrian Edmondson and Nigel Planer, are coming together again, this time with a thrilling new venture.
Edmondson and Planer, famous for their roles as Neil and Vyvyan, recently appeared on the set of Good Morning Britain. They unveiled their latest collaboration: “It’s Headed Straight Towards Us.”
So, what’s the driving force behind their reunion? Adrian Edmondson says candidly, “We like each other, that is the strange thing. We got together to write this play just because we enjoy each other’s company.” Nigel Planer chimes in, “Writing is kind of about working out what the world is about and trying to make each other laugh.”
The play itself sounds like it could be a cutaway in The Young Ones. Edmondson explains, “It’s about two actors, played by Sam West and Rufus Hound, and they hate each other. They’re stuck in a Winnebago in Iceland on a glacier, on a volcano that’s about to go off“. Rachel Kavanaugh will direct it.
Revisiting The Young Ones
Before they decided to conquer the theatre once more, Adrian and Nigel skyrocketed to fame through “The Young Ones,” a groundbreaking BBC sitcom that aired from 1982 to 1984. This offbeat gem followed the escapades of four mismatched students sharing a filthy house and pushed the boundaries of comedy with its slapstick gags and surreal humour.
However, it’s essential to acknowledge the changing times. Last year, when “The Young Ones” landed on the streaming service BritBox, it came with a viewer discretion warning. The reason? Well, the show features content that could be deemed “racist and homophobic” by today’s standards.
In the 1982 episode “Boring,” a policeman confuses Rik with a different ethnicity due to his sunglasses, highlighting a comical misunderstanding. The episode is rife with derogatory language, making it imperative to address these issues in the present day.
BritBox’s stance:
BritBox has made a stance on content like “The Young Ones” to navigate modern sensitivities effectively.. A spokesperson for BritBox stated, “We review and refresh BritBox’s program catalogue on an ongoing basis. Programming on the service that contains potentially sensitive language or attitudes of their era has carried appropriate warnings since our launch in November 2019 to ensure the right guidance is in place for viewers who are choosing to watch on demand.”